振动传感器通过⻣骼和组织振动捕捉⽤⼾的语⾳,不受环境噪⾳影响,但其频率受到1 kHz的限制。
The user's speech picked up by the microphones in the earpiece maybe contaminated by ambient noise.
The vibration sensor captures the user's speech via bone and tissue vibrations that is free of acoustic noise but limited to a frequency of 1 kHz.
Acoustic echoes in the microphone signals and potential "vibration echoes" in the bone conduction signal are cancelled.
Acoustic and bone-conducted speech signals are cleaned up using noise reduction technology.
Microphone signals are enhanced with adaptive beamforming technology, which is most efficient at high frequencies, and mixed with the bone conduction signal at low frequencies.
Intelligent mixing is controlled by the levels and spectra of speech and noise in the acoustic and bone-conducted signals to achieve the best sound quality.